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The top 10 renewable energy solutions of 2022

The top 10 renewable energy solutions of 2022

Published on June 3, 2024

This article was authored by a 3rd party not related to and any opinions or views expressed are not a reflection of

By: Design Boom


This year, designboom introduces a new round-up of TOP 10 BIG stories: the most impactful solutions coming out of the renewable energy industry. Between a solar-powered car that drives for months without charging, a spine-like device that converts wave movement into electricty, and using vertical-farming technologies to turn clean energy into fresh algae, 2022 saw an incredible push for greener and more affordable alternatives to climate-destructivefossil fuels, each harnessing one or several of mother nature’s resources: wind, sun, water, and flora. 

Continuing the tradition of welcoming the new year with our BIG stories wrap-up, we spotlight below the TOP 10 renewable energy solutions featured on designboom in 2022. 

To read the full article, click here:

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