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Mission Statement

Planet Voters empowers individuals to make a tangible difference in the fight against climate change without spending extra money. By partnering with Amazon and Peets, we enable our supporters to shop as usual while directing 100% of our net profits to the climate causes they care about most. Our platform allows users to vote with their wallets, supporting youth-led climate litigation, green elections, eco-nonprofits, and other vital initiatives at no added cost.

As an information hub and media organization, we underscore the immediate dangers of climate change and engage voters in becoming a force for change. Through our adopt-a-scientist and adopt-a-youth-climate-activist programs, we amplify the facts around critical climate change research, counter disinformation, and provide media training for young environmental influencers. We also support indigenous land caretakers, recognizing their vital role in protecting ecosystems and preserving traditional knowledge for a sustainable future.

Our Inspiration


The mission of was also inspired by Yvon Chouinard, who founded Patagonia 52 years ago. The 83-year-old entrepreneur and his family have given away their entire $3 billion company to a special trust and a foundation created to combat climate change and protect nature. Chouinard always said he didn’t especially like being a billionaire. Now he no longer is one.

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PlanetVoters.Com Recognizes The Urgency Of The Moment In Responding To The Global Climate Crisis. (PV) was created to ensure that the United States plays a critical role in securing a sustainable planetary future. Our goal is to build a national coalition of climate voters dedicated to advancing both national and international environmental climate goals.

The Need For Planet Voters Is Existential

Human-made climate change has become an existential threat to life on Earth as we have known it. As UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres put it:

“If we continue on our current path, we will face the collapse of everything that gives us security: food production, access to fresh water, habitable ambient temperature, and ocean food chains… Climate change can only be dealt with by unparalleled levels of global cooperation.”

The world has been discussing lowering CO2 emissions below 2C (3.6F) since the 2015 Paris Agreement. At that time, world governments agreed that a 1.5C (2.7F) increase in global temperatures would create a “new normal,” an irreversible weather tipping point from which we could “not come back.” After the failures of the world climate conferences (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change/IPCC/aka COP) to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, it has become clear that world governments, without leadership, are not going to meet this climate goal.

This is no longer a hypothetical future. 2023 was the hottest year on record globally. The first three weeks of July were the hottest three-week period ever. During those three weeks, the Earth temporarily exceeded the 1.5C (2.7F) “tipping point.”

Without Political Will The U.S. Can Not Lead On Climate

PlanetVoters is working to create a new era of political will to halt environmental climate destruction, advance the transition to a renewable energy economy, and establish a political majority capable of enacting climate legislation committed to a sustainable future. By doing this, the U.S. can provide global leadership capable of capping global warming at 1.5°C (2°F).

While President Biden incorporated climate policy into every government agency in his first 100 days in office and ushered the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the largest investment in climate in U.S. history, into law, over half the Republicans in the Senate and House in the 118th Congress rejected the reality of climate change: 110 in the House and 39 in the Senate. Unless President Biden is returned to the White House in November and has a Democratic Congress to work with, there will be no U.S. leadership capable of stopping global warming.

Our Approach, 2 Things We Want To Achieve

Our strategic approach is for-profit. We believe this approach avoids the non-profit limitations placed on lobbying and can counter the political donations currently funneled to climate deniers through dark money think tanks supported by disinformation campaigns. To do this we will work to achieve 2 things:

1) Build a national coalition of 139 million issue-oriented Planet Voters (one million for each of the 139 climate deniers in Congress) dedicated to advancing national and international environmental climate goals. Using social media, traditional media, influencers, networking, advertising, and word of mouth, Planet Voters will assist this coalition in electing environmental legislators committed to a new era of sustainable climate legislation.

2) The Citizens United decision, allowing unlimited amounts of money into campaign financing, stacked our system in favor of both conservative billionaires and a fossil fuel industry committed to more profits and greenhouse gas emissions. We believe that PlanetVoters is an answer to this inequity in political financing. While we will never solicit donations from coalition members, we are asking that members use to buy sustainable products from us, and then continue to use our Website’s Amazon and Walmart[RS1] click-through links to do everyday shopping. In this way, Planet Voters earns a commission at no additional cost to the shopper, with 100% of net profits to be used to produce and strategically place climate crisis media and campaign ads.

Philosophy Behind Planet Voters

We are working to create a new era of political will and commitment to stop climate and environmental destruction and advance the transition to a renewable energy economy by electing legislators and supporting legislation committed to stopping global warming.

Our work is underpinned by the belief that the ecological and economic health of our planet are interconnected and dependent on our collective commitment to preserving it.

In this regard, we embrace the concept of Nature’s rights. This is the underlying spiritual reverence towards the natural world held by most indigenous cultures, calling for us to become stewards of the Earth’s environment. Our philosophy is to work alongside First Nations and environmental organizations committed to ensuring Nature’s ability to sustain life as we have known it.

“Together We Create A Congress That Cares About The Climate Crisis”

In a courtroom they speak.
With hope in their eyes, and courage so pure.
They fight for a world that’s safe and secure.
Their dreams on the docket, like stars in the night.
Hope for a future that’s just and is bright.
A planet’s crisis confronted, with words and the pen.
Our young fight for their future, one without end.
The truth when it’s pure turns darkness to light
As we pass on their planet, we join in their fight
because now it’s their turn,
and justice – their right.

~Robert Blakemore

I want to make a difference and protect my planet

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Flyer titled "creating the political will for a sustainable future," details engagement strategies, a call to action for support, and a note on media disinformation until the 2024 election.

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