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in Supporting Climate
🎉60-Day Challenge Giveaway!🎉
Every 60 days (for the next 180 days), PlanetVoters is giving away:
- 2 tickets to the concert of your choice (including Taylor Swift)
- 2 national sporting event tickets (list teams)
- or choose the $600 cash prize
Winners are announced every 60 days on a rolling basis.
How to Enter:
- Just sign up below to enter the contest.
- Share the contest with your friends.
You will be immediately eligible for the next drawing when you sign up!
Boost Your Chances!
If you have 2 friends sign up within 24 hours and share a post on social media, you will be included in all future drawings as well!
Support Our Cause!
Help support our efforts by purchasing from our partner, Peets Coffee. 100% of net profits from all purchases until 2025 will support young people making change.
Don’t drink coffee? Please ask your family or parents to buy through us!
What We Do with the Profits:
For the next 180 days, we will support:
- Xiye Bastida
- Greta Thunberg
- Alexandria Villaseñor
- Shayla McGowan
- Jamie Margolin
- Dominique Palmer
- Kahli F.
- Aidan Reilly
- Autumn Peltier
- Tanya Goehring
The process
How to Join
Select your cause
Invite your friends
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