Please excuse changes taking place. PlanetVoters is currently in the beta testing phase.


Until the 2024 elections, will allocate 100% of net profits toward creating and disseminating media content aimed at advocating for and electing climate-responsible state legislators and congressional representatives.

To ensure the utmost transparency and accountability, we engage the services of an independent Certified Public Accountant (CPA) to meticulously manage and publicly disclose our financial records. This includes detailed reporting on expenditures, specifically delineating the funds allocated for media creation and placement in support of individual races and endorsed political candidates.

All financial statements, including breakdowns of media expenditure and fund distribution summaries, will be promptly published on the financial section of the Planet Voters website. This commitment to transparency extends to providing shoppers and members with comprehensive information on where media dollars have been spent, thereby fostering trust and accountability within our community.

  • Mission: To use the majority of net profits to fund and elect climate-responsible Congressional representatives and support youth-led climate litigation.
  • Use of an independent CPA to account and publicly post our financial statements
  • We post statements on this website and a summary of the distribution of funds and who has received those funds.

I want to make a difference and protect my planet

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Flyer titled "creating the political will for a sustainable future," details engagement strategies, a call to action for support, and a note on media disinformation until the 2024 election.

When you complete your Commitment form, you will immediately receive your certificate, like the one above, to share with family, friends and social media