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  1. “The Earth does not belong to us: we belong to the Earth.” – Chief Seattle
  2. “Climate change is no longer a distant threat; it’s happening now. It is a global challenge that requires local action.” – Ban Ki-moon
  3. “We don’t inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.” – Native American Proverb
  4. “The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” – Robert Swan
  5. “Climate change is the greatest threat to humanity, perhaps ever. Global temperatures are rising at an unprecedented rate, causing drought and forest fires and impacting human health.” – Cary Kennedy
  6. “The Earth is what we all have in common.” – Wendell Berry
  7. “The future depends on what we do in the present.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  8. “There is no planet B.” – Ban Ki-moon
  9. “It is our collective and individual responsibility to preserve and tend to the world in which we all live.” – Dalai Lama
  10. “Climate change is happening, humans are causing it, and I think this is perhaps the most serious environmental issue facing us.” – Bill Nye
  11. “We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
  12. “The Earth is a fine place and worth fighting for.” – Ernest Hemingway
  13. “Climate change is not a problem for tomorrow; it is a problem for today.” – Antonio Guterres
  14. “We must not only halt the destruction of our environment, but actively work to restore it.” – Pope Francis
  15. “There is no time to waste. We must take action now to combat climate change before it’s too late.” – Barack Obama
  16. “The science is clear: climate change is real, it’s happening now, and we are the primary cause.” – Leonardo DiCaprio
  17. “Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference.” – Jane Goodall
  18. “The Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  19. “We are living on this planet as if we had another one to go to.” – Terry Swearingen
  20. “The time to act is now. We cannot afford to wait any longer.” – Angela Merkel
  21. “We need to shift our mindset from short-term gain to long-term sustainability.” – David Suzuki
  22. “Climate change is the ultimate challenge, and it’s a challenge that is going to be determined by our children and grandchildren.” – John Kerry
  23. “In the face of climate change, we must rise to the occasion and transform our societies for the better.” – Al Gore
  24. “The environment is where we all meet; where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.” – Lady Bird Johnson
  25. “We have a moral obligation to protect our planet and all its inhabitants for future generations.” – Pope Francis
  26. “Climate change is not just about saving the planet. It’s about saving ourselves.” – Alex Steffen
  27. “The Earth does not negotiate; it sets the rules, and we either abide by them or suffer the consequences.” – Vandana Shiva
  28. “We need to treat the Earth as if we intend to stay.” – David Brower
  29. “Climate change knows no borders. It’s a global problem that requires global solutions.” – Christiana Figueres
  30. “The climate crisis is a global challenge, and it requires global cooperation to solve it.” – Emmanuel Macron
  31. “Our house is on fire, and instead of addressing the flames, we’re arguing about who started it.” – Greta Thunberg
  32. “Climate change is the single greatest threat to a sustainable future, but at the same time, addressing the climate challenge presents a golden opportunity to promote prosperity, security, and a brighter future for all.” – Ban Ki-moon
  33. “We must remember that the Earth doesn’t belong to us; we belong to the Earth.” – Marlee Matlin
  34. “Climate change is not just an environmental issue, it’s a human rights issue.” – Mary Robinson
  35. “We are the first generation to feel the impact of climate change and the last generation that can do something about it.” – Barack Obama
  36. “The era of procrastination, of half-measures, of soothing and baffling expedients, of delays, is coming to its close. In its place, we are entering a period of consequences.” – Winston Churchill
  37. “Climate change is a risk we cannot afford to ignore. It’s not about ideology, it’s about science and common sense.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger
  38. “The time for excuses is over. Now is the time for action.” – Kofi Annan
  39. “We may not be able to fix everything, but we can do something. And we have to do it now.” – Sylvia Earle
  40. “Climate change is a civilizational wake-up call. A powerful message—spoken in the language of fires, floods, storms, and droughts—telling us that we need an entirely new economic model and a new way of sharing this planet.” – Naomi Klein
  41. “The Earth is not just our home; it’s also our future. We must protect it as if our lives depend on it—because they do.” – Unknown
  42. “The only way forward, if we are going to improve the quality of the environment, is to get everybody involved.” – Richard Rogers
  43. “The environment is everything that isn’t me.” – Albert Einstein
  44. “We don’t have time for despair. We must dare to dream of a sustainable future and work tirelessly to make it a reality.” – Desmond Tutu
  45. “Our planet’s alarm is going off, and it is time to wake up and take action!” – Leonardo DiCaprio
  46. “Climate change is the greatest market failure in history. But it is also the greatest opportunity to innovate and thrive sustainably.” – Nicholas Stern
  47. “The climate crisis is not just an environmental issue. It’s a justice issue, an equity issue, and a moral issue.” – Kamala Harris
  48. “The Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  49. “When the last tree is cut, the last fish is caught, and the last river is polluted; when to breathe the air is sickening, you will realize, too late, that wealth is not in bank accounts and that you can’t eat money.” – Alanis Obomsawin
  50. “Saving our planet, lifting people out of poverty, advancing economic growth… these are one and the same fight. We must connect the dots between climate change, water scarcity, energy shortages, global health, food security, and women’s empowerment. Solutions to one problem must be solutions for all.” – Ban Ki-moon

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Flyer titled "creating the political will for a sustainable future," details engagement strategies, a call to action for support, and a note on media disinformation until the 2024 election.

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