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On June 1, 2022, 14 youth in Hawaiʻi filed a constitutional climate lawsuit, Navahine F. v. Hawaiʻi Department of Transportation, against the Hawaiʻi Department of Transportation (HDOT), HDOT Director Jade Butay, Governor David Ige, and the State of Hawaiʻi. The youth plaintiffs claim that their state DOT’s operation of a transportation system that results in high levels of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions violates their state constitutional rights, causing them significant harm and impacting their ability to “live healthful lives in Hawaiʻi now and into the future.” The youth seek to ensure HDOT steps up to meet the state legislature’s goal to decarbonize Hawaiʻi’s economy and achieve a zero emissions economy by 2045.

The youth plaintiffs are represented by Andrea Rodgers & Joanna Zeigler with Our Children’s Trust and Isaac Moriwake & Leinā‘ala L. Ley of Earthjustice.


The 14 youth plaintiffs and their attorneys are now preparing for trial, which is scheduled to take place Monday, June 24, 2024 to Friday, July 12, 2024 at the Environmental Court, First Circuit in Honolulu, HI.

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Flyer titled "creating the political will for a sustainable future," details engagement strategies, a call to action for support, and a note on media disinformation until the 2024 election.

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